8th May 2024
1 minute read

Steps to be taken to Wind Down a Fund

A wind-down plan for a fund outlines the steps that the fund manager will take to wind down the fund’s operations and distribute its assets to investors in an orderly and controlled manner. The following are the key steps involved in a wind-down plan for a fund:


  • Notification of investors: The first step in the wind-down plan is to notify all investors of the decision to wind down the fund and the reasons behind it. The notification should include information on the timeline for the wind-down, the distribution of assets, and any other relevant details.
  • Appointment of a liquidator: The fund manager should appoint a qualified liquidator or a team to oversee the wind-down process. The liquidator will be responsible for selling off the fund's assets, paying off any outstanding debts, and distributing the remaining assets to investors.
  • Asset valuation: The liquidator will conduct a valuation of the fund's assets to determine their fair market value. This will help in determining the net asset value (NAV) of the fund and the amount to be distributed to investors.
  • Asset realisation: The liquidator will sell off the fund's assets in an orderly and controlled manner, taking into consideration market conditions and any contractual obligations.
  • Payment of creditors: The liquidator will prioritize payments to creditors, including any outstanding debts, taxes, and fees.
  • Distribution of assets to investors: Once all outstanding debts and obligations have been paid, the remaining assets will be distributed to investors in accordance with the fund's governing documents and any relevant laws and regulations.
  • Final accounting and closure: Once the distribution of assets is complete, the liquidator will prepare final accounting statements, and the fund will be formally closed.

Overall, a wind-down plan for a fund is critical in ensuring that investors are treated fairly, and the fund’s assets are distributed in an orderly and transparent manner. The plan should be developed with the involvement of legal and financial experts to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.